
How Did the Constitution Create Compromise?

Has the Constitution ever changed? What if we wanted to change it now? These are questions students might have. Help them explore with this inquiry-based lesson which focuses on how the Articles of Confederation led to the writing of the United States Constitution. Students will be able to explore the goals of the delegates at the Constitutional Convention when designing our government

Other Private i History Detective Units for Grade 5

  • Private i

    How Did Laws, Courts, and People Impact Civil Rights in the Late 1800s?

    Grade 5

    Everyone deserves to be treated equally. But how can people make sure that happens? In this inquiry-based unit, students will explain how Amendments to the Constitution attempted to address slavery’s wrongs. They will learn how the courts are used to challenge unfair laws and research how individuals and groups fought for civil rights throughout the 1800s.

  • Private i

    Why Is Due Process So Important to American Justice?

    Grade 5

    In this inquiry-based unit, students will learn how due process is outlined in the Constitution and how it has been interpreted with the stories of John Peter Zenger, Fred Korematsu, and Clarence Gideon.

  • Private i

    What Is “Free Speech” and Why Does It Matter?

    Grade 5

    What is free speech? Does it mean we can say whatever we want? In this inquiry-based unit, students are able to explore how and why we have the Bill of Rights. They will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge on the restrictions on free speech and explore what free speech looks like in places such as school.

  • Private i

    How Did Kossula Cudjo Lewis and Other Enslaved People Experience the Atlantic World?

    Grade 5

    In this inquiry-based unit, students will learn about the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade through the stories of the Clotilda Africans. Students will be introduced to Kossula "Cudjo" Lewis, whose stories will introduce them to life in the early Dahomey Empire to the establishment of Africatown in Alabama.