

This Web Activity goes with the Misinformation lesson in our News Literacy unit. The activity is designed to give students hands-on practice and a deeper understanding of the concepts in the lesson.

Each slide includes a link and a set of questions. Use the companion worksheet in the Misinformation lesson materials to give students a place to note their answers. (They can write them in the answer space on each slide, too, but there isn’t an easy way for you to download/compile those answers in My iCivics.)

  • Whole-class option: Project the Web Activity in your classroom and work through the slides together as a class.
  • Individual option: Allow students to work through the slides individually or in pairs.


Students will be able to...

  • Define and identify “fake” news and other news-related types of misinformation
  • Analyze false claims
  • Fact-check information using fact-checking sites, triangulation, and internet searches
  • Use a variety of strategies to verify both information and images