
Civics is on the front lines and front page like never before as we head towards the 2020 U.S. presidential election. Each month this school year will offer big teachable moments that can help students build the skills they need, such as critical thinking, problem solving and evidence-based reasoning. Taking the time to learn and practice these skills will encourage students to participate in civic life and become informed and engaged members of their communities. 

New to iCivics? We can give you a quick tour.

February: iCivics Hearts Elections

iCivics will provide tailored resources each month to help you prepare students for a future that is playing out before their eyes. Bookmark this page and use it as your go-to spot as you plan civics lessons to 2020.

15th Amendment Ratified —
Feb. 3, 1870

Our Voting Rights lesson plan and interactive slideshow will help you teach students about the long road to the ratification of the 15th Amendment and also how more and more Americans have gained the right to vote over time.

Presidents' Day — Feb. 18

Have your students ever wanted to be President? In our game, Executive Command, they’ll assume the presidency and learn some of the duties that go along with the job such as proposing an agenda to Congress, signing bills into law, and handling international diplomacy.

Digital Learning Day — Feb. 27

iCivics games will make a great addition to your Digital Learning Day celebrations. Be sure to tag @iCivics in your tweets about your event! Plan ahead and pick which games you’ll use from our Game Library.

Get the Party Started: Games for Change (G4C) Student Challenge!

Task your students with envisioning a new political party and designing their own game that reveals how their party will successfully enter the 2020 presidential race and change the trajectory of the election. Winners will receive prizes and local recognition!

Any student enrolled in a middle or high school in New York City, Los Angeles, Atlanta, or Detroit public school districts are eligible to submit a game. Submissions close March 31, 2020.

Missed last month’s resources? Explore through the links below:

September: Help Students Understand Their Rights

October: All Eyes On Media Literacy

November: One Year Until the 2020 Election

December: Updated Win the White House, The Game That Keeps on Giving

January: Make 2020 the Year of Student Activation

Teaching About Impeachment
Are you #TeachingImpeaching? Head to Twitter and share your experiences with us. If you are in need of resources, our new printable infographic and accompanying teacher’s Slide Deck will equip you to teach about this current event in your classroom.