
iCivics Massachusetts

The lesson plans in this unit were developed just for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts! 

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  • Lesson Plan

    A Dive Into Democracy

    The Founding Fathers had many influences. Discover how aspects of Athenian democracy shaped the structure and ideals of the U.S. government.
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    Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Meet the superhero legislation of civil rights. Students are introduced to eleven categories of civil rights protections with a focus on Title VII, which bans discrimination in the workplace. Students gain an understanding of how the Civil Rights Act affects people’s lives and apply civil rights protections to real-life scenarios.How to use this lesson: Use this lesson by itself or pair it with more iCivics resources, like the Supreme Court case EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch (2015) or lessons from our Civil Rights unit. For more suggestions, see the downloadable teacher resources below.
  • Lesson Plan

    Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Students examine the key voting rights protected by this landmark civil rights law. This mini-lesson also provides an overview of the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the law in the case, Shelby County v. Holder (2013). Students analyze how the Act has affected voter behavior and provide a written reflection on the Shelby County v. Holder case.How to use this lesson: Use this lesson by itself or pair it with more iCivics resources, like The Road to Civil Rights, Voting Rights, or Voting: Will You Do It? For more suggestions, see the downloadable teacher resources below.
  • Lesson Plan

    Civil Rights Act of 1964

    Meet the superhero legislation of civil rights. Students are introduced to eleven categories of civil rights protections with a focus on Title VII, which bans discrimination in the workplace. Students gain an understanding of how the Civil Rights Act affects people’s lives and apply civil rights protections to real-life scenarios.How to use this lesson: Use this lesson by itself or pair it with more iCivics resources, like the Supreme Court case EEOC v. Abercrombie & Fitch (2015) or lessons from our Civil Rights unit. For more suggestions, see the downloadable teacher resources below.
  • Lesson Plan

    Voting Rights Act of 1965

    Students examine the key voting rights protected by this landmark civil rights law. This mini-lesson also provides an overview of the Supreme Court’s interpretation of the law in the case, Shelby County v. Holder (2013). Students analyze how the Act has affected voter behavior and provide a written reflection on the Shelby County v. Holder case.How to use this lesson: Use this lesson by itself or pair it with more iCivics resources, like The Road to Civil Rights, Voting Rights, or Voting: Will You Do It? For more suggestions, see the downloadable teacher resources below.
  • Lesson Plan

    Meet the Supremes Teacher's Guide

    This guide provides summaries of all the cases outlined in the Massachusetts Frameworks. It also includes 12 supplemental cases that highlight the experiences of people from diverse backgrounds. The guide provides links back to our Landmark Library mini-lessons and is accompanied by The Research Roadmap, a graphic organizer for researching a Supreme Court case. 
  • Lesson Plan

    Local Government: Massachusetts

    From large cities to small towns, municipal governments serve as the closest form of government to the people of Massachusetts. In this lesson, students will explore the varied functions and structures of local government as well as the services provided in their own municipality.
  • Lesson Plan

    Comparing Constitutions: Massachusetts

    How does the Massachusetts Constitution compare and contrast with the U.S. Constitution? Look no further for the answer! Guide your class through some basic similarities and differences as well as side-by-side text analysis with this lesson’s integrated reading/activity format.